
Archive for the ‘Nonouti’ Category

The first week of December I lead a small group of friends and exceptional anglers to Nonouti Island in the Republic of Kiribati.  The government is trying to open the island up as a flats destination and the trip was designed to help them understanding what it will take to open the island to traveling anglers from the US.  In short the trip had many highlights including getting to see the culture on this remote and seldom visited Kiribati Island, being the first US anglers to walk the islands beautiful flats, and catching decent numbers of much larger than expected bonefish, as well as seeing and catching bluefin and giant trevally.  We were also met with some of the challenges of unexplored flats, on a remote island with limited services.

Without going into full detail we all left the island with the sense of being true explorers and I am sure our lives are richer for the experience.  The island is not quite ready for prime time but it has some very promising features.  Australian based guide Gavin Platz is leading the charge and will be on and off the island for the next two years working on understanding the flats, training a local guide team, getting proper equipment, and refining the lodging.   Fly Water is currently working with Gavin to help him with these projects and if all goes well we will put together additional exploratory trips in 2011.   If you would like to talk to me about the experience in detail please feel free to give me a call any time.

Brian 800-552-2729

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